Be The Light New Moon Circle
Let’s collectively create loving kindness and offer it to the world
Be a part of One Million Circles
Imagine the power of one million women’s circles manifesting love and light across the planet.
Now see that energy shifting the vibration and focus on our planet from darkness to light.
I invite you to be a part of something much bigger, especially when world events can make us feel small and helpless some days.
Lend your voice. Be heard.
Receive healing without judgment. And offer healing with a simple wave of your hands.
This can start with you.
We continue our theme of Manifesting and focus on our Mindset. Our mindset is how we perceive the world around us. From there, we can determine how to react.
Learn how to –
Listen to your inner voice and better understand what’s holding you back
Dissolve imposter syndrome by identifying what you want to pursue
Use what we discuss at home to continue your work!
Signup Details
When and where
Be The Light New Moon Circle
Monday, November 13, 2023
6:30 pm - 7:45 pm (Eastern Time)
Email for link.
What to bring
An open mind and heart
Favorite crystal or figurine
Journal and pen
Water, tea or other nourishing beverage
How to prepare
Wear comfortable clothes.
Watch this Circle free from distractions including people, technology, and pets.
Think about how you can honor the remainder of 2023 authentically and in a profound way.
About Susan and 3C Clarity
Susan Tompkins is an Intuitive Life Coach, creator of Energy Art, and self-declared Sacred Rebel. The 3Cs of Clarity — coaching, creativity, and compassion are offered to help Women live their Best Life through energy work. Inspired by Maine’s woods and waters, Susan conducts workshops, healing circles, 1:1 coaching sessions, and guided meditations for those seeking clarity.