Change for the Better
Change can be like a breath of fresh air on a Spring day in Maine.
Record a New Playlist for Your Soul
Here in Maine, Springtime is a big deal. After months of being cooped up indoors, it is joyful to open windows and let in the fresh air. Are you ready to clear out old programming that no longer serves you? Now is a perfect time to sweep away the gunk that is keeping you stuck in the past, dancing to the wrong tunes.
Delete That Old Programming
Most likely you have outdated tapes playing in your subconscious, most likely on a loop. These tapes were recorded when you were a child. Song lyrics came from people and situations that may not be true, and most likely no longer apply to you as an adult.
Negative programming is subtle, like listening to Muzak in an elevator. The playlist sounds something like: “You’re not good enough, You can’t do that, Who do you think you are?” And for women include, “You’re not pretty. You’re fat. Your (fill in a physical feature) is too (small, big, lumpy, or whatever horrible adjective you’ve been fed). I hate this playlist.
The Thoughts You Think Hold and Attract Energy
Recall the last time you were happy. Really happy. How did your day go? How were you holding your body? How did you treat the people around you? Now ask yourself, what would you give to feel this way anytime you want to? Maybe even most of the time.
Follow these three easy steps to record some fresh, new tunes:
Step 1: Finger Snap Test
Throughout the day, snap your fingers and take note of your thoughts. Where are you? What are the thoughts saying? Are you rehashing the past or conjuring up the future? What are you thinking? This is good information for you to know which messages no longer support you.
Step 2: Add a New Playlist
Use these tools to create positive content and overwrite negative programming.
Meditation and breathwork can help clear your mind and create benefits instantly. These mindful tools focus your mind on what you are doing at the present moment, giving you clarity.
Mantras are phrases that state positive results. Choose from starters like, "I am, I can, I will …." The point of mantras is to express a goal or desire as if you are experiencing it. Here's mine: "I am coaching a workshop to help women live their best lives."
Write mantras on post-it notes or store them in your phone; refer to these throughout the day and begin to overwrite unwanted programming.
Change the Channel: Okay, maybe I'm dating myself here, but you get the point. If you're feeling stuck, go take a walk. Dig in the garden. Bake a favorite recipe. Do some Energy Art!
Step 3: Believe. Repeat Daily.
Realizing you have power over what you think and believe about yourself is like purposely choosing the playlist or podcast that best supports your groove.
The soundtrack of your soul is one that now vibrates with empowering, uplifting beats. As you continue to replay, you will attract the life you want by being a conscious, active player.
About Susan and 3C Clarity
Susan Tompkins is an Intuitive Life Coach, creator of Energy Art, and self-declared Sacred Rebel. The 3Cs of Clarity — circles, coaching, and change are offered to help Women live their Best Life. Inspired by Maine’s woods and waters, Susan conducts workshops, healing circles, 1:1 coaching sessions, and guided meditations for those seeking clarity.